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Emerging from the Mess
‘Emerging from the Mess’ is essentially the experience of how suffering and pain alternates with great joy and fulfilment. Especially when we reach the limits of our strength and endurance, we need to remember to hang on, to be patient and faithful in prayer. This book’s challenge is to live every day like a resurrection day.
Brothers in Arms
This is a pilgrimage story of finding God in the messiness of less than ideal situations, developing a heartwarming friendship, and finding a way through using Ignatian principles of reflection and flexibility.
Discover God Daily
This book highlights that a saint is not made in one moment and that knowing God and oneself involves a process rather than a single event. The authors use seven distinct moments from the life of St Ignatius to illustrate how God works through the unexpected twists and turns of life and how this process plays out over a number of years.
Channelling the Inner Fire
This book redefines spirituality as about “channelling the inner fire”; there is some God given desire within us that seeks expression. We are called to live like Christ, tuning into God’s plan for us and how we could serve the world. This book synthesizes the Ignatian system into 15 easy to understand concrete aspects.
Contemplating the Camino
In Contemplating the Camino Brendan McManus SJ prepares you spiritually, emotionally and practically for the task of walking the Camino de Santiago. Drawing on his own experience of this walk, and his background in Ignatian spirituality, he develops an approach to the Camino inspired by the teachings of Ignatius Loyola.
Deeper into the Mess
This is the eagerly awaited follow up to the best selling, Finding God in the Mess. In this new collection the authors address tough issues such as fear, anxiety, suicide and anger. As well as offering a meditation or a way of praying, the authors suggest scripture and a simple ritual.
Surviving Suicide Bereavement
Brendan McManus SJ lost his brother Donal to suicide in 2005 and has written and spoken extensively about his grief journey. Here, some ten years later, he offers advice on the complex suicide grief process and what he has found to be helpful for survival, adaptation and thriving.