Young Adult Fiction / Humor
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Banais na Bliadhna (The Wedding of the Year)
Tha Anna sgìth de na bainnsean aig a caraidean, agus de na prèasantan daora. Nuair a tha i a’ coinneachadh ri fear a tha den aon bheachd, tha iad a’ cur plana romhpa.
Day of the Trolls
Mischief and mess, making folk mad,smashing things, crashing things, making folk sad– we love being bad!. . . and we know where to go to be baddest of all.You want to join in? Then come to the mall!It’s...
Brendan and the Blarney Stone
When Brendan the leprechaun plays the tin whistle, the sound is sweeter than the sweetest songbird. But if only he could speak as well as he plays! His words spill out in a terrible jumble – he goes to the shop to buy peas and accidentally comes home with cheese!