Young Adult Fiction / Science Fiction
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An Taistealach (The Voyager)
An tè mu dheireadh às an t-saoghal aice, tha an Taistealach a’ lorg planaid fhreagarrach eile. Ach tha cunnart a’ feitheamh orra air a dachaigh ùr.
Saoghal Eile (Another World)
Tha Eilidh a’ dol air ais ann an tìm gu baile a chaidh a bhàthadh o chionn bhliadhnaichean. Air chall san àm a dh’fhalbh, feumaidh i slighe air ais dhan latha an-diugh a lorg.
Jacob's Ladder
It's 2203 and earth is dying, scorched by the sun. Initiate Leon is a member of the True Path warrior culture and preparing for his Rising. But when his test comes - to kill in cold blood - he stalls. To redeem himself, he and his resourceful servant, Martha, must journey to find the earth’s fifth and final message from the Saviours.
Walking Mountain
Every year, for as long as anyone can remember, the Mountain has moved a little northwards. But now it’s moving in the opposite direction. And it’s picking up speed.Pema is sent by his grandparents...
Silver Skin
Sci fi meets prehistory in this extraordinary story of a time-travelling boy from the future who accidentally ends up in Neolithic Scotland.
Ghost, a fifteen-year-old air-boarding punk lives in a vast dark futuristic metropolis. But a mysterious stranger appears to break her out of jail, then challenges the whole basis of reality.
#WELCOME TO EPIC: PRESS START TO PLAY#. On New Earth, Epic is not just a computer game, it's a matter of life and death. If you lose, you lose everything; if you win, the world is yours for the taking.