Young Adult Fiction / Social Issues
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Darllen yn Well: Un Mewn Can Mil
A novel set in Norway, following the story of 15-year old Sander who suffers from Silver-Russell syndrome - a condition that affects one in one hundred million people. A raw and sensitive novel for...
Freya Harte is Not a Puzzle
Freya’s always felt different, so when she learns she’s autistic she doesn't want anyone to know. All she wants is to fit in. But does she really need to change herself or can she find friends who like her just the way she is? A novel about friendship, discovering who you really are -- and being ok with that!
Cwymp y Cysgodion
A novel for young adults about friendship and loss – and all the emotions involved such as grief, anger, longing and guilt. It tells the story of Kai who is struggling to cope with what is happening...
Glainne (Glass)
Tha tubaist aig an sgoil a’ toirt air Sarah cuimhneachadh air rud uabhasach a leig i air dìochuimhne. Le a beatha air tuiteam às a chèile, chan eil fhios aice an urrainn dhi earbsa a chur na cuimhne fhèin.
A'Choille Fhiadhach (The Wild Wood)
Tha saoghal Anna a’ tuiteam às a cèile is a h-athair a’ dol às a rian. Mar chloich às an adhar, tha caraid mac-meanmach às a h-òige a’ cèilidh oirre a-rithist, ach chan e caraid a th’ ann tuilleadh.
An original drama for young people. It examines a particular period in the lives of five young people in South Wales and challenges the audience to respond. It explores how an audience, i.e. society, can sit and watch terrible things happening to others without interfering.